EndomeTRIO: The endometrium matters. A new dimension of endometrial health to improve the reproductive prognosis of your patients. What test does the EndomeTRIO analysis include?
1. Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA). The ERA test evaluates the stage of an endometrium to determine if a receptive or non-receptive genetic profile is present at the time of biopsy.
2. Endometrial Microbiome Metagenomic Analysis (EMMA). A screening test to evaluate the endometrium at the microbiological level.
3. Analysis of Infectious Chronic Endometritis (ALICE). It detects the bacteria causing chronic endometritis to improve your patient’s reproductive prognosis.
Nasser Al-Asmar received his Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy, and a Master’s degree in Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction at Valencia University, Spain. He has got his PhD in Biomedicine and Biotechnology at Valencia University, Valencia, Spain. He was Laboratory Manager at Igenomix USA (Miami, FL) from its opening in 2012 until January 2016, when he became Scientific Advisor first in the USA and now for Spain and Latam. He is a member of the permanent board of the Genetics Interest Group of ASEBIR (Association for the Study of the Biology of Reproduction) and Professor at the Master of Biology and Technology of Mammal Reproduction at the University of Murcia (UMU), Spain.
Nasser Al-Asmar has over 15 years of clinical and research laboratory experience, first at IVI-Valencia Clinic (Valencia, Spain) at the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory, after that at Igenomix (Valencia, Spain) at the Preimplantation Genetic Screening Laboratory and then at Igenomix USA (Miami, FL).
In 2019 Nasser Al-Asmar had lectures in International Conferences in several countries such as Argentina, India, Nigeria, Kuwait, Japan, Hong Kong, Spain… about all different topics in Reproductive Genetics. In 2020 he had the same experience but virtually, giving lectures in different Conferences for Austria, Ukraine, Perú, Brazil, Taiwan, India, Dubai, KSA, Spain…